- Type in Your Search Query/Question:
- Go to the Otto F. Linn Library Homepage: https://library.warnerpacific.edu/
- Click in the “Search the Library” section. Type your search words in the search bar and hit “enter” on your keyboard

2. Narrow Down Your Results:
- A results page will open with all the books and e-materials that match your search.
- Use the sidebar on the right side of the page to narrow down your results by date, type of publication, or subject.

3. Information About the Book:
- The results page tell you some information about the book: the title and author, type of material, and if it’s available in the library, online, or through a Summit request.
- Click the title to find more information about the article and to find out where it is or request it.

Need more help?
- Email: jbarnhardt@warnerpacific.edu
- Email: wpulibrary@warnerpacific.edu
- Visit the library
- Visit https://guides.warnerpacific.edu/