Dr. Dyan Watson’s research in urban education brought up the patterns of how early career teachers semantically encode race in words such as ‘urban’ and ‘suburban.’ This talk on the intersections of race and teaching, titled “Urban, but not too Urban: Race, school expectations and satisfaction of first-year teachers” will address her primary research focus of exploring how teachers semantically encode race, and the intersections of race and teaching. ” It was the final presentation associated with the Library’s Making Futures series. Dr. Watson is an Associate Professor of Teacher Education at Lewis and Clark College in Portland, Oregon, the editor of Rethinking Schools, and the co-editor of Teaching for Black Lives.
Dr. Kwasitsu introducing Dr. Watson. Dr. Watson presents her talk on “Urban, But Not Too Urban”: Race, School Expectations and Satisfication of First-Year Teachers.” Dr. Watson is the editor of Rethinking Schools Magazine. The Library asked Dr. Watson to come talk about her research around language and the uses of terms ‘urban’ and ‘suburban’ as a way to engage the university’s core theme “collaborating with and for our urban environment.” Dr. Watson also co-edited “Teaching for Black Lives.”